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[8869] 日本語を学びたい方募集

投稿者:Sayaさん  E-MAIL


1109 x 1479 (489KB)



現在、私はWorking Holiday でパースに滞在しており、au pair の仕事をしながらJapanese Tutor としても働いております。現在、2人の生徒さんがいらっしゃいますが、私はこのお仕事がとても好きでもっと色々な方と、学び合いたいと思い、こちらのサイトでも掲載することに決めました。


$28/1時間, $50/2時間
(2人同時にレッスンをする場合:$50/1時間, $85/2時間)

私は現在East Fremantle に住んでおり、近場であれば交通費はいただきません。場所は図書館や、cafe(ドリンク代を払っていただける場合)、自宅(子どものみ)などを考えています。その他、ご希望の場所があればご相談ください。


Hi! I’m Saya Oikawa,from Japan.
I’m currently looking for students who want to learn Japanese in Fremantle area.
( I’m living in East Fremantle)

Three years ago, I worked as a tutor while attending college in Japan. It was a precious and wonderful time for me. I would like to study Japanese with you:)

In our first lesson, I would like to discuss about how you would like to proceed in our lessons and your purpose of learning Japanese in our first lesson:) 

Lessons example : You can bring your textbook if you have one, if not I have some materials for our lessons so no problem at all! If you just want to improve your daily conversations, we can do that as well and I’ll correct you. I will fit whatever you like me to do for the lessons.

●Lesson fee – $28/1 hour, $50/2 hours
(If two people take lessons at the same time-$50/1 hours, $85/2 hours)
※First trial lesson is free

●Location – Please let us know if you have a preferred location, e.g. a library or public facility. I can go to your place as well if you live close to Fremantle.(Kids only)
Depending on location, transport costs may be charged.
2024/03/03(Sun) 18:57:06 [編集/削除]